About Me

This site is the outcome of years of trial and error.

As a beginner I remember how crazy it was to try to identify “who is who” and “what is what” when digesting all the information provided various spore and kit vendor sites.

It seemed that every vendor was ‘sure’ they were the best.

While that sort of self-confidence might be great in the real-world, online it’s a complete different beast. As “42” once said, “fool me once, shame on you.. fool me twice, shame on…, well you can’t fool me again”.

While it was quite humorous when the President said it, there is some good meaning to be derived from that statement. It’s costly to get fooled online – frustrating to deal with it and a waste of time overall.

My hope is that through the reviews and ratings on this site, you’ll be empowered to make smart decisions with regard to your Mycology research.

..o0O Love, Peace, and Phun O0o..



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